Go Week 2023
September 18th-20th
What is GO Week?
Global Opportunities Week is more than a long-standing tradition at BJU. Go Week represents the very heart of BJU. Every student in every major is preparing to make disciples. Fulfilling the Great Commission is at the core of what it means to follow Jesus. Not every student will be or should be a vocational missionary, but all of us are called to use our vocations to make disciples. Go Week is not a ploy to urge you to change directions in life and abandon everything you have ever expected (although that may happen to some). It is an opportunity to envision how God can use your passions and the skills you are attaining to make His name known around the world. You will graduate from Bob Jones University as an elite ambassador for Christ. Well educated. Well discipled. Right worldview. Right priorities. Go Week seeks to expand your horizons for where and how you might deploy your gifts and fulfill your calling. Imagine the possibilities!
Come interact with mission team leaders and participate in the various Center for Global Opportunity events throughout the week. In addition, be inspired by messages in chapel and workshops geared to build a passion for global missions.
Come interact with mission team leaders and participate in the various Center for Global Opportunity events throughout the week. In addition, be inspired by messages in chapel and workshops geared to build a passion for global missions.
LifeLaunch Promo Video
Schedule of EventsMonday, 9/18:
11:00-11:35 – Chapel— JD Crowley (FMA) 11:35-7:00 – Mission Displays open in the Davis Room 3:00-4:00 – Prayer Hour, Hosted by Missions Advance (CGO) 9:00 – Missions Advance (AL 217) Tuesday, 9/19: 11:00-11:35 – Workshops (FMA, SH, RA, WMC, LH, Sem 113, AL Lect. A, AL Lect. B, Sc 137) 11:45-7:00 – Displays Open (Davis Room) 3:00-4:00 – Prayer Hour, Hosted by Missions Advance (CGO) 7:30-8:30 – Short-Term Mission Expo:Dorm Edition (Gaston and Johnson lobbies) Wednesday, 9/20: 7:00-7:45 – Prayer Rally, Missions Advance and Ministry Leaders Hosting (Front of RA) 11:00-11:35 – Chapel— JD Crowley (FMA) 11:45-5:00 – Displays Open (Davis Room) 3:00-4:00 – Prayer Hour, Hosted by Missions Advance (CGO) 8:30-10:00 – LifeLaunch Simulation hosted by Missions Advance (BJA Auditorium) |
GOW WorkshopsANIMISM: The default religion of the world - FMA
As more and more Christians in the west deconstruct (dismantle) their Christian faith, many of them will replace it with some form of animism or spirit worship, reverting to the paganism of their European forebears. Plus, animism is the main religion of most people in the global south, no matter their official religion (Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, etc.). Whether at home or abroad, if you’re a Christian with an international vision, you need to understand this deepest of all non-Christian world views so that you can help people escape the crushing fear of demons and sorcery. Within Arm’s unREACHed - Rodeheaver A practical and innovative way to discover how many people groups exist within your arms reach. The Roma: Reaching the Hidden People of Eastern Europe - War Memorial Chapel Consider the needs of millions of Europeans who are largely overlooked in missions outreach. Reaching the Roma presents unique missional challenges, but the needs and opportunities are great. “All nations” includes the difficult to reach Roma people of Eastern Europe. Reaching the Jewish World: Giving the Gospel to those who first gave it to the World - Levinson Hall First we will be covering why Jewish people remain resistant to the Gospel after 2,000 years. Secondly, we will look at how Christians can overcome some of the barriers so that that Gospel is given to our Jewish friends. Gospel Advances in Myanmar - Stratton Hall Since Adoniram Judson laid a solid Gospel foundation, Myanmar has endured spiritual darkness, dictators, a coup, and now a civil war. Yet the Gospel is advancing today through indigenous churches launching national missions efforts among UPGs. Hear this modern missions story and learn about developing strategic national partnerships to reach the Unreached. Gospel Clarity and The Unreached - Lecture A Christians believe that the Gospel should be shared clear; but what does clarity mean when interacting with an Unreached Language Group? Come and consider how to present the Gospel in a way that is faithful to Scripture and meaningful to the hearers. Starting from Zero: The Story of Evangelism, Literacy, & Bible Translation - Lecture B A group engaged by Baptist Mid-Missions’ missionaries and national partners in 2001 recently adopted their language for translation of the New Testament though they had no alphabet or written language. Explore the challenges and rewards of reaching a pioneer people group through the story of some of the failures and triumphs they have experienced. Japan: Mission in the Missionary Graveyard - Seminary 113 Japan has often been called “the Missionary Graveyard” because of its hard soil against the gospel. Though the Japanese people remain as the 2nd least reached people group in the world, the number of missionaries in Japan continues to decrease every year. Based on his interviewing various missionaries, Moses Kim shares devotional thoughts on what it will take for the gospel to go forth in Japan. Empowering Women and Children in the Fight Against Human Trafficking - Science 137 Working to face the ever-changing challenges of human trafficking in India head-on. We provide women with a sustainable alternative and work to address everything from prevention, direct intervention, to aftercare work. Learn more about our work and how to join us in the fight to end human trafficking in India! |