Each summer, BJU students go out to the four corners of the globe with the best news the world could ever hear—the Gospel of Christ! Paul said he wasn't ashamed of the Gospel (Rom. 1:16) and we aren't either. From Cambodia to Tanzania, from Romania to Antigua, the Gospel is transforming lives and bringing sinful men into a right relationship with God through Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the power in all these efforts. We are just His instruments.
A group of students from the Epsilon Zeta Chi Tornadoes will be going on their annual Spring Break mission trip. They will travel to Utah to work with a church revitalization effort in Salt Lake City at Gospel Light Church. Working with a previous EZX graduate, they will be focusing on outreach and evangelism efforts as well as service projects around the church building and with church members. They will also have the opportunity to learn from pastors and church planters about the challenges of their particular ministries. There will be unique evangelism opportunities as they interact with many people in the LDS community and learn to do ministry in this new context outside of their comfort zone. Please be praying for the team as they prepare for this amazing opportunity to serve for God’s glory.